Here are some interesting numbers from the U. S. Geological Survey. This website has good information and a link to the U. S. G. S.
The world total for all size earthquakes in 1990 was 16,590 and the U. S. total was 2,268. In the year 2008 the world total was 31,777 and the U. S. total was 3,618.
Please remember that, just as in the global warming fraud, the numbers can play games. In the year 2009 the USGS no longer locates earthquakes smaller than magnitude 4.5 outside the United States, unless we receive specific information that the earthquake was felt or caused damage.
In other words, they decided to stop counting some earthquakes. So remember that the number goes down, but only because they don't include all of them. Kinda like if a tree falls in the woods and nobody felt it or if it didn't fall on a house, did it really happen? -- Great logic smart guys!
Wikipedia states that the Pacific Ring of Fire is an area where large numbers of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the basin of the Pacific Ocean.
Is the U. S. next?