We are excited to have two very accomplished authors and speakers, Eric Barger and Gary Kah, to provide vital information on topics ranging from Christian apologetics to the Global government.
Eric is widely recognized in the area of Christian Apologetics Ministry. His Take A Stand! Ministries confronts both culture and the Church, focusing on the Cults, World Religions, the Occult, Spiritual Warfare and most particularly the troubling non-biblical trends and doctrinal issues facing Christians in these end days. Please visit his website linked to this blog.
Gary, a former government trade official, has spoken at more than 500 churches, conventions and universities in North America, Europe, India and Israel. He has also appeared on over 1,000 talk shows since release of his books. Please visit his website linked to this blog.
The conference information, including conference dates, times and location is listed on the above poster. The conference schedule will include two presentations each from Eric and Gary.
Saturday March 13, 2010
Tri-County Church of the Nazarene
4778 Tylersville Rd.
Hamilton, OH 45011
Conference Schedule
9:00 AM - Opening
9:15 - 10:15 Eric Barger "The Errors of the Emergent Church"
10:15 - 10:45 Break
10:45 - 11:45 Gary Kah "The State of the Union: America's Political & Economic Dilemma"
11:45 - 1:00 PM Lunch (not provided)
1:00 - 2:00 Eric Barger "The Death of Discernment: How The Shack Became the #1 Bestseller in Christianity"
2:00 - 2:30 Break
2:30 - 3:30 Gary Kah "The Coming Globalization: Obama, the Middle East, Interfaithism & the Vatican"
Time will be given to browse the materials made available from the speakers.
Please note that child care will not be available.