Discerning the Times - Conference 2010

Discerning the Times - Conference 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010

More - News With Consequences (NWC)


Hate crimes, which is nothing more than a political correct term for thought control and a way to label those that don't have their mind "right". Here we have children as young as 5 years old that could soon be added to "hate registers" for showing disrespect to homosexuality. The thought police are real - and they want (or already have) control of your kid's mind!

Related stories -

Churches will be forced to perform homosexual ceremonies or face the law.

"Symbolic violence" - felony hate crime for throwing cotton balls.

More news -

Philanthropy just isn't what it used to be. Global Eugenics agenda - the world's richest are planning population control through vaccines and biotech. This was evil in the past...and still is! And they call themselves the "Good Club".

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9

Still more news -

Body scanners headed for you! Is anyone ready to stand up for freedom?

The "green economy" is here and ready for mandatory compliance. These people are not messing around. The smart grid is here - you will obey.

Does any of this sound eerily familiar? Thought control, population control, economic control, energy consumption control, food and water control, and mobility control - the New World Order is here. Are you ready?